wildlife resources
beyond rehabilitation

Conflicts with wildlife usually occur when wild animals have access to areas or resources that humans would prefer they leave alone

Humane solutions involve determining what is attracting an animal to an area. Then removing or closing off access to that attractant. While these solutions may require a bit of ingenuity as well as flexibility, they tend to be more effective over the long term than lethally removing a wild animal. Trapping and relocating animals such as squirrels, raccoons, bears or geese is not as humane as you might think and is often illegal if done by members of the public. Furthermore, removing an animal instead of eliminating the attractant – will result in reoccurring conflict. 

Need assistance finding a beaver solution?

Let us help you find the right beaver solutions for the land you take care of.
This includes advice on:
Wetland restoration
– Flood mitigation with pond-levelers or exclusion fences
–  Tree wrapping assistance 
– Other site challenges you may have involving beavers on the land you live

Local conservation groups:

Learn more about local wildlife species of the Okanagan and how you can get involved in their conservation.

Click on the logo of your interest and get forwarded to each local species-specific wildlife conservation group:

 Wetland restoration in BC’s Interior:

 Bat protection in Peachland, BC:

 Bat conservation in BC, Okanagan branch:

having a wildlife conflict?

Find more wildlife resources online :

Check out the Wildlife Resource Library for fact sheets on wild animals most commonly involved in conflicts, how to address conflicts between pets and wildlife, and other tips for living in harmony with your wild neighbours.

Source: https://www.paws.org/wildlife/having-a-wildlife-conflict/

Found a wild animal?

How to Donate

IWRS is 100% volunteer-run. We are funded solely by private donations and sponsorships. As as registered charity, we can provide tax receipts for your donation!

Donate online

E-transfer us directly: donate@interiorwildlife.ca
or by credit card via Paypal

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Mail a cheque

If you'd like to reach out to us directly, inquire about our office address by email: info@interiorwildlife.ca

Via Canada Helps

Click above or below to get re-directed to our charity account with CanadaHelps.org

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